
The many faces of fashion: beauty editorials

I like when beauty editorials dare to push the boundaries of a beauty shot.

I like to see things from this “macro” point of view.

Como siempre, la provocación es uno de los elementos que mas impacto causan, a mi parecer, en este tipo de fotografías.

Me gusta la manera en la que el maquillaje esta siendo aplicado, y la actitud que este desencadena en la persona que lo usa, por que a la final de cuentas, es como una máscara muy delgada con la que nos cubrimos todos los días.

Puede verse de esta manera o puede ser un medio de expresar lo que queremos reflejar de nosotros, o de cómo quisiéramos ser.

fashion pachanga beauty editorials


Todas las imágenes de Pinterest.

Inspiration: vintage showgirls

Showgirls costumes are extremely attractive to look at, I love the way sequins shine through the movement of feathers.

How the female body is decorated, to represent nudity without being too obvious and above all, the attitude the girls have.

fashion pachanga showgirls


All images from Pinterest





Inspiration: Jewelry as a drug

Because real drugs aren’t legal or convenient, there is jewelry to escape the real world.

fashion pachanga jewelry as a drug


All images from Pinterest


The many faces of fashion: sexvertising

Fashion advertising tries to get to our deepest feelings that is what I like about it.

In this case, our desire for sex or something sex-related. We hear all the time that sex sells, and it’s true because everyone likes it.

Here some fashion sexvertising:

fashion pachanga sexvertising


All images from Pinterest

From music: shelter from the storm

Bob Dylan’s song, Shelter from the Storm:

“Suddenly I turned around and she was standing there
With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair
She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns
“Come in” she said
“I’ll give you shelter from the storm”.

I love the song, so I did this:

fashion pachanga shelter from the storm 1

fashion pachanga shelter from the storm 2

Both collages by Fashion Pachanga

The many faces of fashion: vintage covers

This four vintage Vogue covers are featuring one very speciall element: MISTERY.

fashion pachanga vintage face vogue covers


All images from Pinterest. 

From art: sheer

Sheer fabrics are light and provocative.

They have been present in fashion from a long time ago.

Here is some inspiration.

fashion pachanga sheer inspiration in art 1


fashion pachanga sheer inspiration in art 2


All images from Pinterest.

Inspiration: negro

“Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy – but mysterious. But above all black says this: “I don’t bother you – don’t bother me”.”

Yohji Yamamoto.

En mí opinión es el color más fascinante de todos. Es misterioso, provocativo, y logra ser rebelde y elegante al mismo tiempo. Y como dice Yamamoto no molesta, está presente de una manera muy tranquila sin saltar frente a los ojos de quienes lo miran.

Aquí unas imágenes.

fashion pachanga negro 1


fashion pachanga negro 2


fashion pachanga negro 3All images from Pinterest

Inspiration: Masaai

Masaai people have a very rich and inspiring culture, especially their garments and jewelry.

Their beaded jewelry has a very strong identity and they use it as an ornament and also to express their position in the society.

Here is a little experiment:


fashion pachanga masaai moodboard fashion pachanga masaai earring, mixed media


All pictures from Pinterest and Tumblr.

Collage by Fashion Pachanga

Paris Fashion Week fall 2013: Balmain

I just saw this collection yesterday, and it has everything that I like in clothes:

  1. It’s excessive
  2. big shoulders = superwoman
  3. golden accents
  4. huge earrings
  5. shiny fabrics
  6. folds
  7. black + color
  8. black +  white + golden
  9. leather
  10. geometric details

balmain looks 2013


fashion pachanga balmain 2013 dos


fashion pachanga balmain 2013


All images taken from